Monday, July 11, 2011

Praising Cupcake Creativity

As you know, we love to be as creative as we can with our cupcakes. We give you cupcake creations that most wouldnt even think of. But we would also like to acknowledge all the other cupcake bakers who take baking to a new level.
On fourth of July this baker took his/her went all out and took his/her decorating skills to a new level by created an entire american flag out of mini cupcakes! Now that's what I cann National Pride!
Or this baker whose baby shower cupcake took the cake (literally). Even we wouldnt have thought of decorating the cupcake like a bubble bath! and the rubber ducky is rediculous, I'm sort of in Love.

Or even this baker who took so much initiative to even design the cupcake wrapper in order to make a true to form mushroom cap cartoon.
And let me tell you this is exactly the way I would have celebrated Gay Pride when NY became the 6th and largest state to legalize Gay Marriage!

all images are from anonymous sources

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