Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reese's Cupcakes

I've been dying to try some sort peanut butter and chocolate cupcake, as well as a candy stuffed cupcakes so voila! Reese's Cupcakes! It has a moist chocolate cupcake and a surprise reese's middle, topped with a nutella peanut butter frosting. Everyone loved it and was great for all ages! Enjoy =]

The chocolate cupcake is the same one I used for the strawberry chocolate cupcakes on valentines day.

Peanut Butter and Nutella Buttercream-


1/2 stick butter
3-4 large spoon fulls peanut butter
2-3 large spoon fulls nutella
about 1/3 of a cup cocoa powder
3 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Cream the butter, peanut butter, and nutella in a bowl until light and fluffy. Add the cocoa powder, alternating with the vanilla milk mixture. Mix until thick and creamy. (You can always add more or less of any ingredient to your taste)


Pour the cupcake batter into the liners about 3/4 of the way. Lightly push a mini reese's peanut butter cup into each cupcake. Let cupcakes cool and pipe the buttercream on top. You can use chopped peanuts as a garnish on top.

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